
Robert Louis Stevenson - Spring Carol

Spring Carol
Robert Louis Stevenson
When loud by landside streamlets gush,
And clear in the greenwood quires the thrush,
With sun on the meadows
And songs in the shadows
Comes again to me
The gift of the tongues of the lea,
The gift of the tongues of meadows.

Straightway my olden heart returns
And dances with the dancing burns;
It sings with the sparrows;
To the rain and the (grimy) barrows

Employment letter

Initech Research Systems Inc.
1 Initech Drive
Las Colinas, Texas 75062


October 14, 1999

To whom it may concern:

Peter Gibbons is a full time employee of Initech Research Systems Inc. and has been employed since March 5, 1997. He is a Sr Software Engineer working in our New York office and his annual salary is $94,104.

Professional reference letter - Cooperative purchase

October 31, 2007

Re: 25 Merriam Ave, #43I, Bronx, NY 11110

Dear Board Members:

I’m writing in strong support of Elizabeth Warsteiner’s application to purchase an apartment in your building.

I have known Elizabeth since 2002 when we became colleagues at TPS Inc. It was quickly apparent that Elizabeth is a smart, thoughtful and very successful person who had the respect of both colleagues and management of the company.

Tenant reference letter


John Landlord
8 Tenancy Lodge South
Flat D
London, N11 2RL


Elaine Stern
54 Woodtree Place
Pexley Park


Mr. Michael Tenant / Michelle Tenant
31 Bailiff Road, Pexley, TA2 1QY
Your ref: egh/61SAND

Dear Elaine,

Professional reference - Telecommunications Supervisor

Jean Reno first impressed me by outstanding professionalism in execution of his duties as a member of the IT team. I was therefore not surprised when he was promoted to the post of Telecommunications Supervisor, proving his skills and ability to excel even while transitioning from one role to another. He is focused, committed and determined to achieve beyond set targets, against very high personal standards. This makes him a most valuable asset to any Organization of which he is a member. I recommend him without hesitation!
